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Natasha Pola

Princess of Rebellion

Birthplace: Altizima, Ursa Wastes


  • Reading romance stories

  • Hot chocolate


  • Her family

  • Loud noises

  • Crowds


For some, what once seemed to be a charmed life can quickly sour, and the lap of luxury can twist into a gilded cage. Such was the case for Natasha Pola, whose curiosity and desire for truth lead her to the realisation that her family's rule over the harsh Ursa Wastes was cruel and rotten to the core. Throwing away the life that had been promised to her as Altiziman royalty, she opted to rally the downtrodden, uniting them in the fight against her family's oppressive rule.

Cold and calculating, Natasha is a tactical genius, but the knowledge of what her own flesh and blood are responsible for - and what she was ignorantly complicit in for so many years - weighs heavy upon her heart. When word reaches her ears of an invitation to the city of Many Crossroads for a Summit that concerns the fate of the land, she sees a golden opportunity to forge new alliances.

Natasha Pola Character Bio Artwork
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