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Tomoe Suzaku

Upstart Fennec

Birthplace: Namitori, Vermilion Isles


  • Sword practice

  • Reading tales of derring-do

  • Cold slushies


  • Studying

  • Sparkeel

  • Thinking about the future


Boisterous, reckless, frustratingly upbeat - Tomoe Suzaku has been called all of these things and more. Hardly an example of what one may expect from the sole heir to an ancient and noble lineage, the raucous young fennec consistently shirks her duties, and is usually found either practicing her swordplay or reading tales of heroes and fantastical adventure. Never seen without her peculiar fire spirit buddy, Phee, the two have a vexing penchant for mischief... but all the same, doubt crawls at the edge of Tomoe's mind about all the traits of a great leader that she herself seems to lack.

As the Vermilion Isles and its capital of Namitori come under attack from wrathful elementals, Tomoe summons the courage to answer destiny's call. Following in the footsteps of the heroes who came before her, she sets out as the emissary of the Isles alongside Phee and her best friend, Arata, on a journey not only to prove herself, but to see firsthand the wild world that she'd always dreamt of exploring.

Tomoe Suzaku Character Bio Artwork
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